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How the Baby Boomer Generation Affects the Real Estate Market

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All of the baby boomers are looking to retire. Where are they going? How will their moves impact you and your home value?

First, it’s important to know that many more people are retiring today than they were 10 years ago. Ten years ago, 2.2 million people turned 65 each year. That number has surged to 3.5 million retirees this year, and by 2025, 4.2 million people will be retiring each year. A lot of retirees are cashing out on their home equity, and there are a few different things they are doing.

For example, many baby boomers are moving to downtown areas where it’s easier to walk to different restaurants and entertainment centers. Some are also looking for post-retirement employment, so it’s important for them to live closer to those areas. Walnut Creek is a popular destination for baby boomers right now.
"Downtown areas, like Walnut Creek, are popular destinations for baby boomers."

Still, a lot of those people who move downtown only rent a home for a couple of years. They’re not sure where they’re going, but they do want to be downtown and by popular amenities for awhile before they move out of the area.

Of course, others are moving to be closer to their kids. Still, more are following typical migration patterns to El Dorado Hills, Folsom, Texas, Phoenix, or Tucson. Many retirees who sell in the East Bay move to one of those places.

If you have any questions, give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to help you!